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Manual of the Police Department of the City of St. Paul, 1912


By-laws, Rules and Regulations
of the



The "Police Department" of St. Paul, Minnesota, consists of a "Board of Police Commissioners," a "Chief of Police," a "Police Force," and such clerks and employes as shall be appointed by said Board.


The Board of Police Commissioners is the head of the Police Department; governs and controls the Department, its business and affairs, and is invested with and exercises all the power conferred by law upon the Police Department. The President and Vice President of said Board shall be elected for a term of one year, and until their successors are appointed and qualified.


The government and discipline of the Police Department shall be such as the Board of Police Commissioners may, from time to time, by rules and regulations, prescribe.


The territorial jurisdiction and authority of the Board of Police Commissioners, and the Police Force under its direction, is co-extensive with the territorial limits of St. Paul, Minnesota.


Meetings of the Board of Police shall be held as often as the President or two of the Commissioners may direct. All meetings of the Board shall be public, unless a majority of the Commissioners otherwise determine.


The Board of Police is empowered to enact, modify and repeal, from time to time, orders, rules and regulations of general discipline affecting the force, provided that they shall not conflict with the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution or Laws of the State of Minnesota, and Charter and Ordinances of St. Paul, Minnesota.



The Secretary of the said Board shall be elected for a term of two years and until his successor is elected and qualified. His office shall be open every day, except Sundays, from 8:30 o'clock A. M. until 5 o'clock P. M.


The Secretary shall report, in writing, to the Chief of Police all resolutions or other official action of the Board of Police affecting the disposition or government of the force; all appointments to and dismissals from office, and all transfers, detailments, and assignments to duty.


The Secretary shall cause to be kept in the Central Department the following books:

First— Records of the force, to-wit: One book alphabetically arranged, to be called "The Alphabetical Force Book," containing the names and residence of every officer, member, and jailer of the force. One arranged in precincts, containing a like record of the force of each precinct and squad, to be called "The Precinct Force Book." One containing the name of each Patrolman, the number of his shield, and precinct, to be called "The Numerical Shield Book."

Second— A record, alphabetically arranged, of persons arrested, to be called "The Record of Arrests," containing the name, age, color, sex, nationality, occupation, whether married or single, the complaint, the name of the complainant, the officer making the arrest, date of arrest, and how disposed of.

Third— Books of records and complaints against members of the force, and the judgments of the Board thereon; one to be called "The Record of Complaints," and one to be called "Trial Records."

Fourth— A record of the time lost by members of the Force, to be called "The Time Book."

Fifth— A record of lost, missing, stolen and found property, to be called "The Robbery Book."

Sixth— Books of record of property received by the Property Clerk, to be kept by the Property Clerk in his rooms.

Seventh— A book of records of lost children.

Eighth— A book of records of violations of city ordinances.

Ninth— A book of requisitions of supplies and repairs.

Tenth— A book of records of sick, and lost time.

Eleventh— Order books containing copies of general orders of the Chief of Police.

Twelfth— Books of record of the proceedings of the Board of Police shall be kept by the Secretary of the Board in his office.

Thirteenth— And such books as the service shall require to be kept.

RULE 10.

All suits and proceedings instituted against members of the Force, as such, shall, in the discretion of the Secretary, or when directed by the Board, be referred by him to the Attorney of the Board, for defense, if, in the opinion of the Attorney, there be grounds for defense.


RULE 11.

The Chief of Police shall be the chief executive officer of the Police Force, subject to the orders, rules and regulations of the Board of Police.

RULE 12.

All orders to the Chief of Police shall emanate from and be issued to him only by the Board of Police, and all orders to the Police Force shall be issued by the Chief of Police to the force, or any member or members thereof.

RULE 13.

The Chief of Police shall have power to promulgate orders to the officers and members of the Police Force not inconsistent with law or the rules and regulations of the Board. Such orders shall be written or printed, and all members of the force shall observe and obey them.

RULE 14.

The Chief of Police shall keep at his office books of record in which shall be entered: First-A record of orders issued from his office.

Second—A record of current and incidental expenses of his own office.

Third—A record of suspicious places, and the names of the keepers thereof, in St. Paul.

RULE 15.

The Chief of Police is authorized to detail, for a period not exceeding three days, any member of the Police Force to the performance of any proper police duty or business (and for such purposes may order and allow such member to leave the city) whenever the exigencies of the service are such as to preclude an application to the Board. In all such cases he shall report to the Board his action in writing.


RULE 16.

The Captain and the Lieutenants will require the Patrolmen of their respective commands to report to them daily all violations of city ordinances, together with all complaints (by members of the force or others) of such violations, and the nature of the complaint. The name and residence of the complainant in each case shall be entered in a book kept for that purpose, and reported daily to the Secretary, who, after having the same recorded in his office, shall transmit such reports to the Corporation Attorney.

RULE 17.

At any alarm of fire within their precincts, the Captain and Lieutenants shall forthwith detail a Sergeant with any number of men necessary to the place of fire; and in case of fire out of their precincts, they will be governed in their actions by the orders that may be given them from time to time by the Chief of Police.

RULE 18.

In case of riot or other sudden emergency, requiring the services of the Police, the Captain shall forthwith proceed to the scene of the riot, .or other sudden emergency, with such force as he may deem necessary to suppress the riot or to perform such police duty as the nature of the emergency may demand.

RULE 19.

The Captain and Lieutenants shall carefully read and explain to each platoon of their respective commands all General Orders, and all decisions of the Board of Police, in cases of complaints against members of their commands.

Two copies of each General Order shall be supplied to the Captain and Lieutenants of precincts, who shall cause one file to be kept in the sitting-room of the station house for the information of the force of the precinct.

RULE 20.

The Captain and Lieutenants shall cause to be promptly served all notices and subpoenas sent them from the office of the Secretary of the Board of Police, intended to be served, and all letters and messages sent from the Central Department for delivery, to be promptly delivered. When a subpoena is left at the station house requiring the attendance of an officer at court as a witness the fact shall be entered m the Blotter, with the name of the officer subpoenaed, the court, and the time wanted at court, and the case in which he is a witness. Such subpoena shall be served on the officer without delay. If he is not in the station house at the time, but on patrol duty, or otherwise absent then as soon as he returns, and an entry made in the Blotter of the time the subpoena was given to the officer, and by whom. The subpoena must not be left on the desk or any other place in the station house.

RULE 21.

The Captain and Lieutenants shall report daily to the Chief of Police, in writing, all cases of malignant, infectious, contagious and epidemic diseases in their respective precincts, not previously reported.

RULE 22.

The Captain and Lieutenants shall keep a record at their several station houses of the residences of the members of the force under control, and shall furnish to sergeants the residences of such members as have reported sick.

RULE 23.

The Captain or Lieutenants of each precinct and Sergeant of each squad is required to report, in writing or by telephone, at once, to the Secretary, each and every change of residence of members of the force under his command as soon as such change of residence takes place; and to be equally prompt in notifying the Secretary whenever any member of his command, who was previously single, becomes a married man.

RULE 24.

The Captain and Lieutenants of precincts and officers commanding squads shall keep a special record of all arrests made by the force under their command, for homicide, arson, burglary, grand larceny, robbery, receiving stolen goods, embezzlement, forgery, counterfeiting, passing counterfeit money, perjury, bribery, bigamy, incest, abortion, felonious assault, mayhem, rape, abduction, aiding felons to escape, and poisoning.

They shall keep themselves informed of the proceedings in each case, and record the result of the proceedings and the disposition of the prisoners, and if convicted, the term of sentence, and the place of imprisonment, and make, at the close of each quarter, a report in detail of all the arrests made during the preceding quarter, for the offenses above named, upon blanks furnished for the purpose, and transmit it to the Secretary.

RULE 25.

The Captain and Lieutenants will be held strictly responsible for the preservation of the public peace in their respective precincts; and to insure good order, they are vested with the power to post the men under their command in such parts of their precincts, and to assign them such duties, as they may deem expedient, under the supervision of the Chief of Police and in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Board.

RULE 26.

The Captain and Lieutenants shall inspect or cause to be inspected, from time to time, all pawnbrokers' shops, second-hand dealers' shops, junk shops and intelligence offices in their respective precincts. They shall keep a record of all such shops and offices, and report thereon, from time to time, to the Board of Police Commissioners.

RULE 27.

The Captain and Lieutenants shall promptly report to the Chief of Police every I case of dereliction of duty, and at the same time notify the Secretary in writing of such report, the name of the person reported, and the nature of the charge against him. They shall also report to the Board of Police Commissioners an account of any special services--deemed meritorious--of Policemen under their command.

RULE 28.

The Captain and Lieutenants shall have the general charge and inspection of the police station house, and precinct to which they are assigned, and, with the Sergeants, who in their regular order have charge of the same, be held responsible for their cleanliness, general condition and good order.

RULE 29.

The Captain and Lieutenants will at all times require the members of the force under their command to be attired according to the rules and regulations of the Department, and to be decent and cleanly in their attire, habits and persons.

RULE 30.

The Captain and Lieutenants shall--subject to the orders of their superiors in command, and the orders, rules and regulations of the Department--have control of the Sergeants, Patrolmen and Jailers of their respective precincts, and will be held accountable for their good conduct and efficiency. They may establish minor rules and regulations for their government, not inconsistent with the orders rules and regulations of the Police Department, subject to the approval of the Chief and Board.

RULE 31.

The roll shall be called at the commencement and termination of each tour of duty, preparatory to which the men will promptly fall into line in the sitting-room and march to the front office, where they will be inspected by the officer in command, who will be particular to see that each Patrolman is in all respects, dressed in accordance with the rules and regulations of the service, and that his entire uniform, and all parts thereof, are in good order.

If, at any roll call at the termination of each tour of duty, any patrolman has not in--dress and otherwise--conformed to the rules and regulations of the service, the officer in command will inquire into the causes; and if the Patrolman, has been guilty of intentional delinquency, report the facts with the name of such Patrolman, to the Chief of Police and Board of Police Commissioners.

It is the duty of the Captain, Lieutenants and Sergeants, at all times, to report any negligence in attire, want of cleanliness, or unfitness for duty from any cause whatever.

RULE 32.

The Captain and Lieutenants shall, under the direction of the Chief of Police, divide his precinct into night and day posts or beats, and number the same, and designate the Patrolmen who are to patrol the same.

RULE 33.

The Captain and Lieutenants shall designate relieving points within the boundaries of each post; direct the route to be taken by patrolman going to and coming from the relieving point. Such relieving points to be distributed as far as practicable on alternate streets, avenues and roads, and placed so as to be as nearly as possible at equal distances from each other, and the same shall be located, where the situation will admit, at the points on the post most remote from the station house.

RULE 34.

The officer in command of each precinct shall every morning cause the prisoners who have been arrested and detained at the station house of the precinct the night previous to be conveyed to the Police Court, at the hour of the opening of such courts. The prisoners shall be accompanied by the policeman who made the arrest, and those who were witnesses of the acts for which they were arrested. He shall also at the same time, take or transmit to the presiding magistrate of said court reports which shall be exact copies of the complaint he is required to make in the Blotter; and he shall in the same manner cause all property or money alleged or supposed to have been feloniously obtained that may have come into his possession, which shall be required as evidence, to be conveyed to the court.

RULE 35.

The Captain or Lieutenants shall keep in the police station house a book to be called the "Blotter," in which shall be entered daily, as the events in their order occur, the time that the Captain and each of his Sergeants are on duty in the station house, and the particular hours during which they were engaged in visiting the Patrolmen on their respective districts, posts or stations. The entries in such book shall exhibit a faithful daily account of all the transactions and occurrences at the office, and of all matters of interest or importance to the Department, in or out of the office; and of all arrests, for any reason whatever with the name, occupation and residence (if known) of all persons arrested; the time of such arrest the offenses for which they were arrested; the hour, place and manner in which the offense was committed; and any other particulars of importance concerning them, together with the names and residences of complainants and of witnesses and the name or names of the members of the force by whom the arrests were made.

RULE 36.

The Captain or Lieutenants are required to devote special personal attention to the use of gas, and manner of using fuel in the stoves in their respective station houses, in order to avoid excessive and careless consumption of coal, and to preserve the stoves. They will be held responsible for the prudent and economical use of gas and the management of fires in their respective station houses.

RULE 37.

In the cases of vacancies, or in the absence of the Captain or Lieutenants by reason of illness or absence from duty, or by permission of the Board of Police, the duties required of him shall be performed by one of the Sergeants of the precincts, selected for that purpose by the Chief or Board of Police. The Sergeant so selected shall be designated as "Sergeant-in-Command," and shall during such absence of the Captain, possess and exercise all the powers of a Captain, and. shall enforce the orders, rules and regulations established for the government of the precinct.


RULE 38.

Lieutenants, when placed in charge of any district or precinct, shall have the same authority and be governed by the same rules applying to the Captain. When not assigned to the charge of a district or precinct, they shall report to the Chief of Police, to be detailed by him m making special investigation or such other duty as he may direct. Noting any delinquency in the performance of duty on the part of any Patrolman or Sergeant in the district through which they may be passing, they will report the same in writing to the Captain in charge of the district, and to the Chief of Police.


RULE 39.

The Sergeants shall, in turn, patrol their precincts, and see that the Patrolmen of their platoons or sections are performing their duty properly. It is the duty of the Sergeant not on desk duty to go on patrol with his section or platoon; to remain out during the tour in the vigilant performance of duty, and to return with the men to the station house at the end of the tour.

RULE 40.

Sergeants shall be responsible for the general good order and discipline of their respective platoons or sections. They shall be careful to see that every member thereof goes on duty clean and neat in his person and is dressed, then and at all other times, in accordance with the orders, rules and regulations of the service.

RULE 41.

Sergeants must report to the Captain or officer in command, at the station house of the precinct to which they belong, all delinquencies or violations of orders on the part of the force or any member thereof under their command; the commanding officer to enter such report in the Blotter.

RULE 42.

Sergeants shall require the Patrolmen to report to the Captain, or officer in command, all derelictions of duty that may come under their observations.

RULE 43.

Sergeants shall promptly obey all orders received from their superior officers; shall set an example of sobriety, discretion, skill, industry and promptness to the Patrolmen under their command; and will, at all times, appear neatly attired and cleanly in their persons and equipments.

RULE 44.

Each Sergeant or other visiting officer shall see each Patrolman under his command while on post at least once during each tour of duty.

He shall not rap or whistle until he has gone over the post; if unable to find the officer he shall give the call rap or whistle in the center and at each extremity of the post.

The "call rap" shall be two raps with the club. The Patrolman shall answer in like manner and if the visiting officer requires the presence of the Patrolman, he will give a single rap.

If a Patrolman on his post requires the presence of another officer on the adjoining post, he will, in ordinary cases, give a single rap or whistle which will be answered in like manner, when the Patrolman making the call will again give a single rap or whistle. In case of fire, riot, or other emergency, he will give three raps or whistles in quick succession and all the officers hearing it will answer by a single rap or whistle, and immediately repair to the assistance of the officer making the call. If an officer is in pursuit of a person at night, he shall from time to time, give a single rap or whistle to inform other officers of his route.

RULE 45.

Sergeants shall be held responsible for the general good order and discipline of the men under them and will make themselves thoroughly acquainted with the capabilities of the Patrolmen belonging to their sections. They must carefully study and thoroughly understand the rules and regulations, note every case of misconduct or neglect of duty by members of the force of their precinct and report the same to the commanding officer. They shall, while on duty, constantly patrol the posts allotted to their respective platoons and enforce the performance of duty by the men.

RULE 46.

In case of fire, burglary, riot, or any other emergency, the Sergeant on duty nearest the scene of said fire, burglary, riot, etc., will immediately send information to the officer in command at the station house; and in the meantime take such action as the emergency may require.

RULE 47.

As soon as the men are arranged in line for inspection, the Sergeant will inspect each and every Patrolman belonging to their respective platoons, and be particular in noting that their dress is clean; that their emblems and devices are clean, in good order, and in their proper places; that the baton is of sufficient length (not less than twenty-two inches long, and one inch and three-eighths thick), and in proper order; and that the men are properly attired and fit for duty. Thereupon they shall report to the commanding officer the result of their inspection. The baton for night service shall be made from sound locust wood, and no other shall be used, except on occasions of dress parade, when ornamental batons, made of rosewood or of regulation pattern may be used.


RULE 48.

It shall the duty of the Jailers to obey all orders received from the Captain and Sergeants of their respective precincts. They shall keep the station house to which they are attached clean and in good order, and frequently whitewash and cleanse the prison thereof.

They shall visit the prison, when there are prisoners confined therein, at intervals of not more than thirty minutes each, and ascertain and report at the desk, in writing, at the time of such report, the condition or wants of said prisoners. The hours of duty to Jailers shall be regulated by order of the Chief of Police.

RULE 49.

Jailers shall saw and split the wood required for kindling fires in the respective buildings to which they are attached; they shall be supplied with saw, buck and axe, which they shall keep in good order; put in all fuel, keep fires; have special charge of lights; cleanse their station houses thoroughly at least once in each week; look after the property of the station house; have charge of the prisoners, and see to their safekeeping. They shall be under the orders of the officer in command at the station house, and perform such other duties as shall from time to time be required by competent authority.


RULE 50.

Pay-rolls of members of the Department shall be made in a book marked "Pay-Roll Police Department, City of Saint Paul," and to conform to the one in use at the time of the adoption of these rules. It shall contain and show the names and rank of each person, the rate of compensation per annum, per month or per diem, established by and in pursuance of law; the time for which each person is entitled to payment; the amount due and payable to each; the total amount of the pay-roll, and a receipt in full of all demands to date, to be signed by each person whose name is borne on the pay-roll.

The Secretary shall cause the pay-rolls to be examined, verified and certified to by the Chief of Police, or, in his absence or disability, by the officer in charge of the Police Department; and the pay-roll thus certified to shall be presented to the Board of Police by the Secretary of said Board for passage. The date of passage of said pay-roll, together with the signatures of President and Secretary, shall be affixed to said roll.

Claim bills and demands for police expenditures (other than pay-rolls) shall be made in duplicate and referred to the committee through which the liability was incurred. The committee will examine and audit such claims, bills and demands, and cause them to be verified in pursuance of law and the rules and regulations of the Department, and report them to the Board of Police with a recommendation in relation to the payment thereof. All other claims and demands will be submitted to and audited and disposed of by the Board.

All payments of money or pay-rolls, or other claims, will be made in pursuance of the orders of the Board of Police. The City Treasurer will make payments in pursuance of such orders by checks or warrants, signed by the President and Secretary of the Board of Police, and countersigned by the City Comptroller.

RULE 51.

The salary and pay of members of the Department shall be paid monthly, to each person entitled thereto, in accordance with prescribed rules and regulations, subject, however, to such deductions each month, for lost or sick time, and as shall be made to satisfy fines imposed on any member by way of discipline or punishment.


RULE 52.

The Board of Police will, in their discretion, permit members of the force, for services rendered by them in the discharge of their duties, which are both "meritorious and extraordinary," but for such only, to receive, under the restrictions provided in this rule, rewards, presents or testimonials tendered them for such services.

When any such reward, present or testimonial is proffered, it must, whether money or otherwise, first be deposited by the Secretary of the Board, to await such final action as the Board may take upon it.

In each and every case application must be made to the Board in writing for permission to receive any reward, present or testimonial, and it will be granted or not, as the Board may deem advisable. The nature or amount of the reward or present must be stated in the application.

Applications for permission to receive testimonials voted members of the force at fairs, receptions, balls, picnics, or other public gatherings, shall be denied.


RULE 53.

Members of the force or department will not, without permission of the Board be allowed to make presents to or bestow testimonials upon other members of the force or department, nor will they be allowed to collect money or receive anything else, from citizens or others, for any such purpose, or circulate subscription papers, sell tickets, or collect money from citizens for charitable purposes, without leave of the Board.


RULE 54.

The Captain and Lieutenant shall make all requisitions for supplies for station houses upon the Secretary, to be approved by the Chief of Police, and recorded in a book for that purpose.


RULE 55.

No member of the Police Force shall leave St. Paul or be absent from duty except ads provided in the rules and regulations of the Board of Police.

All applications for leave of absence shall be made to the Chief of Police.

In all cases for application for leave of absence the Chief of Police shall require that the applicant set forth the object and purpose of such absence, the date of the commencement of the leave, and the circumstances requiring the time of leave asked for, before approving such petitions for leave.

RULE 56.

Every application for leave of absence on account of sickness for more than five days shall be accompanied by an affidavit that the reason assigned in such application is true, and that the place which the applicant purposes to visit is, in name and location, truly stated, to be accompanied by a certificate of the Police Surgeon, stating the cause of such sickness.


RULE 57.

Certificates of appointments to office shall be signed by the President, and countersigned by the Secretary.


RULE 58.

The Board of Police Commissioners have and shall exercise the power of summarily removing from office any member of the Police Force without hearing and for the good of the service, as to said Board shall seem fit and proper.

RULE 59.

The said Board has and shall exercise the further power of punishing any member of said Police Department who shall be guilty of misconduct or breach of duty; said member shall be liable to be punished by reprimand or by temporary suspension without pay not to exceed one month, or by a fine not to exceed one month's salary, or by reduction in rank, or by dismissal from service. This power shall be exercised by said Board whenever in its judgment it may consider it necessary for the good of the service, or by said Police Department, for the punishment of any of its members and for the sake of example. The procedure governing the exercise of said power last described shall be as hereinafter set out.

RULE 60.

The record and certificates of all judgments rendered by the Board in relation to members of the force shall be authenticated by the signature of the Secretary.

RULE 61.

Charges preferred against any member of the Police Force must be in writing and verified by the oath of the complainant, except charges by a Commissioner, the Chief of Police, Captain or Lieutenants, who may make charges in writing without oath.

The Board of Police has power to issue subpoenas, tested in the name of its President, to compel the attendance of witnesses upon any proceeding authorized by its rules and regulations and the Charter of the City of St. Paul. Each Commissioner of Police, and the Secretary, are hereby authorized and empowered to administer affirmations and oaths to any persons summoned and appearing in any matter or proceeding authorized as aforesaid, and in all matters pertaining to the Department, or the duties of any officer, or to take any depositions necessary to be made under the orders, rules and regulations of the Board of Police. Any wilful or corrupt false swearing by any witness or person to any material fact in any necessary proceeding under the said orders, rules and regulations shall be deemed perjury, and punished in the manner now prescribed by law for such offenses.

RULE 62.

Charges against members of the force shall be in writing, signed by the officer making the same, and be delivered to the officer m command at the station house, who shall immediately enter the same in the Blotter and file the original charge so made. The Captain and Lieutenants shall transmit to the Board and to the Chief of Police a transcript of each of said charges on the day the same is entered on the Blotter.

RULE 63.

When written charges shall be preferred against any member of the Police Force, they shall be filed with the Secretary; whereupon specifications of the charges, with a notice of the time and place of trial, shall be served upon the party charged two days before the day of trial, the day of such service being counted as one of the two days. Any member may adroit the same in writing, on a copy of the papers served, but no statement in explanation or mitigation of punishment shall be made on the papers; but shorter notice, which will furnish to the accused an opportunity to attend the trial at the time specified in such notice, shall be sufficient to authorize the taking of the testimony of any witness who, by reason of residing out of the State, of being remote from the place of trial, by reason of sickness or other pressing cause cannot attend at a later day without great personal detriment or inconvenience.

The service to be made—

First—By delivering the papers to him personally; or,

Second—By leaving the same at his place of residence, with some person of an age of discretion; or,

Third—If his place of residence cannot be found then by posting the same in a conspicuous place in the station house of the precinct or squad to which he is attached.

Charges may be voted frivolous, and dismissed by the Board without evidence or trial.

All complaints against members of the force made at the station house (by members of the force) must be entered m the Blotter at the time each complaint is made. The Captain, Lieutenants and Sergeants in command of precincts and squads are required within twenty-four hours after complaint is made to make charges and specifications founded on each complaint. Sergeants are required to give notice in writing of each and every complaint made by them against a member of the force stating the charge, the name and. precinct of the'officer against whom the complaint is made, and the date when the charge was made; all charges and specifications to be immediately transmitted to the Chief of Police. Sergeants will keep a special record of all complaints made by them, setting forth the details as above mentioned. Complaints against superior officers may be made by members of the force, personally, or by letter directly to any Commissioner.

RULE 64.

When complaint shall be made by any reputable person or authority imputing to any member of the force conduct or acts calling for discipline or punishment, it shall be the duty of the Chief of Police, Captain, Lieutenants, or other officers in command of such member of the force, to enter the same on the Blotter, and to request the person or authority making the complaint to appear at the Secretary's office and verify the same by affidavit.

Upon such affidavit, it shall be the duty of the Secretary to cause charges and specifications to be framed, signed and filed in conformity with the rules and regulations of the Department.

The Captain and Lieutenants in command of precincts, and officers in command of squads, when preferring charges against members of the force, shall sign duplicates of the charges and specifications and forward one, under the rule, to the Chief of Police, and one in a separate envelope, sealed, directly to the Secretary, to be by him placed on file.

RULE 65.

Judgments of the Board will be in writing, duly entered in the records of the Department, and a notice thereof read at roll call in the various precincts.

RULE 66.

When any member of the force shall be dismissed on charges, the Secretary shall report the judgment, with a brief statement of the substance of the specifications, to the Chief of Police, and shall also transmit the same to all station houses, and the Captain shall publicly read the report to each of the several platoons in succession, when they are next mustered for duty.

RULE 67.

Trials of members of the force will be held at such times as shall from time to time be ordered by the Board, and shall be had before three or more of the Commissioners, based upon written charges and specifications.

RULE 68.

Such pertinent testimony as shall be offered for and against the accused shall be, except in trivial cases, taken on oath, and the substance thereof reduced to writing, under the direction of the Commissioner or Commissioners hearing the case.

RULE 69.

The Captain shall report to the Chief of Police the names of all Patrolmen who have been absent without leave for one day, unless in case of sickness, and then a certificate shall be furnished to the officer in command of the station within twenty-four hours. If not complied with within twenty-four hours, the Chief of Police shall prefer charges against absent members.

RULE 70.

The Captain shall make charges against any Patrolman who shall, through neglect of duty, fail to discover a homicide, burglary or serious breach of the peace committed on his beat during his tour of duty, or who shall neglect to take proper measures to arrest any parties guilty of such offenses, or who, while on duty, shall draw his pistol on a citizen or use his club except in self-defense.

RULE 71.

Any member of the Police Force who, being under charges, shall, either before trial or judgment, cause any person to interfere, personally or by letter, in his behalf, with any of the Police Commissioners shall be reported to the Board of Police and there-upon be tried on the charge of conduct unbecoming an officer.

RULE 72.

Charges against members of the force on complaints involving inquiry into immoral, obscene disgraceful or disgusting acts, may be tried by the Commissioners in private.

RULE 73.

When. any member of the force is charged with contracting a debt under false or fraudulent pretenses, it shall be the duty of the Secretary to take the affidavit of the complainant, setting forth such false pretenses; such affidavit shall be sent to the Chief of Police, who shall thereupon prefer charges against the officer so complained of, for a breach of discipline. Any conviction for such breach of discipline shall be punished by dismissal from the Police Force.

RULE 74.

Repeated complaints against any member of the Police Force for incurring debts, and evidence of continued and persistent neglect or refusal to pay just debts, shall be deemed conduct unbecoming an officer and will be cause for dismissal of such member from the Police Force.


RULE 75.

The officers and members of the Police Department shall wear a regulation uniform substantially like that worn by the Police Force of other States, to be designated by the Chief of Police.


RULE 76.

Manuals, stars, clubs, buttons, belts, cord and tassels are supplied to each member of the force, but remain the property of the Department. Each member leaving the force is required to deliver the same to his commanding officer, who shall return them to the Secretary. The Secretary shall withhold the pay of any person who has ceased to be a member of the force until his manual, star, buttons, club, belt, cord and tassels, or other property of the Police Department have been duly returned; and in case they are lost or destroyed, the Secretary is authorized to deduct the original cost of the articles from the pay of the party. Manuals shall be carefully used, and shall not be soiled or defaced, by writing or otherwise.


RULE 77.

The station houses are to be used exclusively for police business, and must not be used for any other purpose. Civility and attention are to be shown to every person applying at a Police Station on business. No person shall be permitted to remain in the Police Station House without express permission from the officer in charge, except members of the Department and persons on business. No person, except the superior officers of the Department, shall be allowed to enter behind the desk.

RULE 78.

The cells at station houses are to be kept clean and well ventilated. The door of every cell is to be carefully locked and bolted when prisoners are confined therein--the keys to be hung up behind the Captain's desk. No person is to be allowed to visit the cells except the officer in command at the station house and Jailer in charge of the prison, unless by order of the Chief or a Commissioner of Police, in writing; and no member of the Police Force except the Chief, or unless authorized by them, in writing, shall hold any conversation with any prisoner confined in the cells at any station house or precinct, nor at the central office, except in the presence of and hearing of the Jailer then on duty; nor shall any member of the Police Force, except as above stated, and under the above restrictions, be permitted to converse with any prisoners at a Police Court, except in the presence of the officer in command of that squad.

RULE 79.

Sergeants in command of sections on reserve in the station house during the night tours of duty shall, once during each of such tours, inspect the dormitories where the sections sleep, and report to the Captain any and all irregular, negligent, disorderlyand uncleanly habits, practices and proceedings on the part of any member of the force, and, under direction of the Captain, shall make charges in relation thereto.

RULE 80.

No article of furniture, picture, print or statue, shall be put into any of the station houses, except those supplied by the Police Department, or such as members of the force may require for actual use, unless permission is granted by a Commissioner of Police or the Chief.


RULE 81.

There shall be a bureau called the Detective Bureau, which shall be under the supervision of the Chief of Police. The Detective Bureau shall consist of detectives and such other members of the force as shall from time to time be assigned to detective duty by the Board of Police. The Chief of Police is authorized to order any member or members of his command, for detective duty or business, and for such purpose may order and allow such Detective or members to leave the city for a period not exceeding three days at any one time, whenever the exigencies of the service may require it, promptly reporting such leave in each case to the Board of Police.

RULE 82.

A book of records of complaints and applications calling for the services or attention of the Detective Bureau shall be kept in the Detective office under the supervision of the Chief; or in his absence, the officer designated to perform his duties, and he shall have supervision of all detective business in general, and in detail; and it shall be the duty of the Chief or in his absence the officer designated to perform his duties to give special attention to the business, and see that proper detective cases are diligently and properly attended to and worked up.

RULE 83.

A record of arrests by the Detective Bureau of all persons imprisoned shall be kept in the Detective Office, in which shall be entered the name of the person arrested, with a full description of such person, the time and cause of arrest and the disposition made of each prisoner arrested.

RULE 84.

The Chief of Police shall cause a Blotter to be kept in his office, in which shall be entered daily all the transactions of the Bureau in detail.


RULE 85.

Officers in command of court squads will not allow any conversation between prisoners in their charge and any other person or persons, except such as the prisoners shall desire to confer with, or such as the court shall designate.

Members. of the Police Force are prohibited from recommending to prisoners the employment of any person as attorney or counsel, and are forbidden to suggest or name any lawyer or other person to a prisoner, with a view to his defense, at any time after the arrest is made.


RULE 86.

There shall be a "Property Clerk" who shall be provided with suitable apartments in the general department for the transaction of business who shall receive all property or money alleged or supposed to have been feloniously obtained, or which shall be lost or abandoned, and thereafter taken into the custody of any member of the Police Force, or in the custody of any Police Justice.

RULE 87.

The Property Clerk shall particularly register each lot of such property and money, in a book kept for that purpose, and number the same on the book and on a ticket to be attached to such property or money; and shall also record the names of the persons from whom such property or money was taken, the names of claimants thereto, the time of seizure, and the final disposition thereof.

RULE 88.

Whenever property or money, as aforesaid, shall be adjudged by a magistrate to rightfully belong to a claimant, or that the person arrested with such property is innocent of the offense alleged, then, upon the written order of such magistrate, the Property Clerk shall deliver to the person himself such property or money; but not to any attorney, agent or clerk of such person.

RULE 89.

Whenever money or property shall be taken from any person or persons arrested, which shall be alleged or supposed to have been feloniously obtained, or to be the proceeds of crime; and the ownership of such property shall be claimed by or on behalf of any person other than the person or persons arrested; and the said accused person or persons shall be held for trial, or examination, or be subsequently indicted for having stolen or feloniously obtained possession of said property, and on a trial on said indictment be acquitted or discharged; or when a nol. pros. shall be entered on such indictment; the Property Clerk shall not, without the consent of the Board of Police, deliver said property to the said accused person or persons, except upon an order by a judge of the Court in which such indictment was found.

RULE 90.

The Property Clerk shall cause to be advertised in pursuance of law, all property or money taken on suspicion of having been feloniously obtained or of being the proceeds of crime and for which there is no other claimant than the person from whom such property was taken; and also all lost property that may have come into his possession.

RULE 91.

All property or money that shall remain in the custody of the Property Clerk for one year, no lawful claimant having during that time appeared there-for, shall be advertised three times each in two daily newspapers of St. Paul, on three consecutive week days, to be sold at public auction; and such advertisements shall state briefly the name, character and description of the articles and the time and terms of sale; and the net proceeds paid to the treasurer of the city.

RULE 92.

When lost, abandoned or stolen property, of a highly inflammable or dangerous character or nature, is discovered by, or comes into the custody or possession of, any member of the force, it shall be the duty of such member to report the same at once to the officer in command at the station house of his precinct; and the officer in command shall immediately report the same to the Board of Police.

RULE 93.

If any property or money, placed in custody of the Property Clerk, shall be desired as evidence in any court, he shall upon an order from the court to that effect, deliver such property to the officer who shall present the order; such property shall not be retained in said court, but be returned to the Property Clerk.

RULE 94.

The office of the Property Clerk shall be open for the transaction of business daily, unless otherwise ordered by the Board of Police.

RULE 95.

The Property Clerk shall make to the Board of Police, annual, quarterly and monthly reports and such other reports as the Board may direct, of the property disposed of by him during that time, setting forth each article, where and from what source is was received, when and how it was disposed of, and the amount received therefor.

RULE 96.

Whenever, in his opinion, it becomes necessary to sell articles of a perishable nature in a shorter time than that prescribed by law, the Property Clerk shall report such fact to the Board of Police, who shall, in their discretion, direct a sale of such articles.

RULE 97.

All estray horses, swine and meat cattle coming into the custody of the police shall be immediately delivered to the keeper of the public pound.

RULE 98.

A daily report shall be made to the Property Clerk by the commanding officers of precincts and squads, on blanks furnished by the Secretary, of all lost, found, recovered and stolen property, taken or seized by the Police Force and the Property Clerk shall file and preserve such reports in his office.

RULE 99.

The Captain and Lieutenants of Police in command of precincts or squads shall, on the first days of January, April, July and October m each year, take an inventory of all furniture and other movable property, and transmit the same to the Secretary, who shall keep a proper record of the same; and they shall state in said report and give a list of every article of furniture that is in bad order and that needs repairing, and that no article or articles of furniture shall be sent from any station house to be repaired unless upon a written requisition from the Captain or Sergeant in command, said requisition to be transmitted to the Secretary, signed and approved by the Board.

Hereafter, when a transfer is made by the Board of Police of a Captain, Lieutenant or Sergeant, in command of precinct or squad, he will transfer to his successor all the furniture and other movable property in the station house belonging to the department, with an inventory of the same, and take a receipt from his successor, and transmit a duplicate copy of said inventory to the Secretary.


RULE 100.

Patrolmen doing duty mounted on horses will be required to perform patrol duty on foot when their horses shall be disabled or unfit for duty.


RULE 101.

Every Special Policeman and Watchman appointed by the Board of Police under and by virtue of the authority conferred by law, shall perform all duties required of him, which Policemen and Watchmen in the Police Force, may, by law and the rules and regulations of the Board be required to perform.

The form of shield (as per sample in Secretary's office) shall be designated as the Shield for Special Policemen and Watchmen; and such officers when appointed and sworn, shall, on signing an agreement in writing releasing and waiving all claims whatever against the Board of Police, and the City of St. Paul, for pay, salary or compensation for their services and for all expenses connected therewith, be furnished by the Secretary with such shields, numbered and duly recorded in a book to be kept for that purpose, depositing with him the cost of the shield, provided, however, a fee of fifty cents to cover all incidental expenses, may be required by said Secretary to be paid by said applicant. When retiring from the service he shall return the shield and his commission, and receive the amount paid for the shield.

The Secretary will furnish to persons appointed Special Policemen and Watchmen by the Board of Police a certificate of such appointment.

Such Special Policemen and Watchmen shall wear such uniform as may be prescribed by the Police Department, when required.

RULE 102.

The Secretary will require from persons or corporations for whom Special Policemen and Watchmen have been appointed a report in writing at the end of each month, stating whether such officers are continued in their employ; and in cases where Special Policemen and Watchmen have been discharged or removed, he shall require the return of the shield and certificate of appointment, and make a report forthwith to the Board of Police.

RULE 103.

Persons arrested by Special Policemen shall be taken to the station house of the precinct in which the officer making the arrest is located, and entry made in the "Blotter" in the same manner as in all cases of arrest. Special mention shall be made of the place where the officer making the arrest is performing duty. If the courts are closed at the time the prisoner is brought to the station house he shall be detained for safe keeping until the opening of the courts, when the officer shall forthwith take the prisoner before the magistrate, and report be made at the station house of the disposition of the case.

The arrest shall not be entered on the morning returns with the prisoners arrested by the regular force but a separate return of such arrest shall be made on a morning return blank, to be marked "Special" and sent to the Central Office with the other returns.

RULE 104.

Special Policemen and Watchmen shall report to the Chief of Police between the first and fifth days of each month where a book will be kept in which they shall enter their name, number of shield and place where employed. Said Special Policemen and Watchmen shall, at the same time, present a certificate from the person or corporation by whom they are employed, to the effect that such employment is continued.

RULE 105.

The Chief of Police shall report to the Board of Police any and every failure to comply with these rules, in order that prompt action may be taken thereupon.


RULE 106.

Lost children, shall, when found by members of the Police Force, be taken to the station house of the respective precinct in which they are found, except as hereinafter provided. A record shall be kept at each station house of all lost children received thereat, showing the number reclaimed at the station house; the number sent to the Central Department; the age, sex and color of each child; the nationality of the parents of each child reclaimed at the station house by such parents; and on the first day of each month the officer in command of the precinct shall make a report to the Secretary, setting forth all the above particulars in relation to children received during the previous month.

With each child sent from the station houses to the Central Department shall be transmitted a return in writing, on a form to be supplied by the Secretary.

RULE 107.

A record of lost children shall be kept at the Central Department, and a quarterly report in relation to such lost children made to the Board of Police.

RULE 108.

The number and sex of lost children, and the disposition made of them at each station house, shall be entered on the daily morning returns made to the Central Department.

RULE 109.

Lost children while at the Central Department shall be in charge of the Police Matron.


RULE 110.

The several members of the Police Force shall have power and authority to immediately arrest, without warrant, and to take into custody any person who shall commit, or threaten or attempt to commit, in the presence of such member, or within his view, any breach of the peace or offense directly prohibited by act of Legislature or by any ordinance of the city; but such member of the Police Force, shall under the penalty of dismissal from the force, in the discretion of the Board, immediately upon such arrest, convey in person such offender before a magistrate of the city, that he may be dealt with according to law. If the arrest is made during the hours that the magistrate does not regularly hold court, or if the magistrate is not holding court, such offender shall be detained in a station house, or precinct thereof, until the next public sitting of the magistrate, and no longer, but shall then be conveyed, without delay, before the magistrate, to be dealt with according to law.

RULE 111.

By the laws of this state a Policeman is endowed with special powers in order to arrest a person who has committed a felony; and he must, therefore, make every exertion to effect the arrest of any one whom he may see in the act of committing a felony, or any one charged positively by another with having committed a felony.

RULE 112.

If a Policeman finds his personal efforts insufficient to effect an arrest, or if he have grave reasons to apprehend that resistance will be made, he ought to require all persons present, or as many as he shall deem proper, to assist him.

RULE 113.

If a Policeman immediately pursues a person who has committed a felony, it is his duty to follow the criminal wherever he may go; if the criminal takes refuge in any house or building, the Policeman, after stating his office and object, and demanding admission, and admission being refused, or if there should be no one present of whom to make such demand, may forcibly open the outer door or windows, enter the house or building, and arrest the offender. Having obtained entrance, in this or any other manner, he may forcibly open an inner door, in order to effect the arrest of the person of whom he is in pursuit.

RULE 114.

Forcibly opening an outer door is generally a violent and dangerous proceeding and should never be resorted to except in extreme cases, and when an immediate arrest is necessary.

RULE 115.

At common law, (which is the basis of all the laws of this state, and which remains in force, except where changed by statutes) officers for the protection of the peace have authority to arrest and detain in custody, for examination, persons found in the streets at night, whom they may reasonably suspect of felony, although there is no positive proof of their having actually committed such offense.

RULE 116.

When an affray occurs in a house, or building, within the hearing or knowledge of a member of the force, he may, lawfully and forcibly, if necessary, enter said house or building to suppress it.

RULE 117.

If a Policeman arrest a person whom he has good cause and reasonable grounds to suspect of having committed a felony, and the arrest is made discreetly and fairly, and not from any malice, he will be justified, even though it afterwards appears that no felony was committed. But the members of the force must remember to be cautious in such cases, as their defense rests solely on the reasonableness of the suspicions that led to their making the arrest.

RULE 118.

Every Policeman must recollect that in making an arrest, he is not justified in doing more than is necessary for the safe custody of the prisoners while in his charge. It is the duty of a Policeman to keep his prisoners safely, but he has no right to use unnecessary violence; and must not use such language as would be calculated to provoke or exasperate them; such conduct tends to create resistance in the prisoners, and a hostile feeling among the by-standers towards the Policeman.

RULE 119.

All persons arrested for offenses of any kind during the time the police court is in session, shall, except as otherwise provided by the rules and regulations of the service, be taken to a police court, immediately after the arrest is properly registered at the station house. If the court be not in session, the person so arrested shall be detained at the station house till the opening of the court then next ensuing. When taken to the court the officers making the arrest must, unless otherwise directed by proper authority, remain with and have charge of such arrested persons till the cases are disposed of by the court. It is the duty of officers in command to take necessary measures to insure the attendance of complainants and witnesses in all cases.

RULE 120.

When any member of the Police Force shall arrest any person for an offense, who, from being intoxicated, or from any other cause, is not in a condition to understand or answer questions or comprehend the proceedings of the court, such person shall be taken to the station house, and if clearly intoxicated, detained until sober, and shall then be taken to court. If the case be not clearly a case of intoxication, but one which may require medical treatment, the Police Surgeon shall be promptly called, and the arrested party treated at the station house, or sent to the hospital, as the surgeon shall advise, and when restored to a fit condition, shall be taken to the court and charged with the offense for which such person was arrested; and while in hospital the arrested party shall be in the legal custody of the police.

If the party was arrested for the offense of intoxication and the surgeon shall decide it not a case of intoxication but that medical treatment is required, the party shall not be held in custody as a prisoner, but be sent to a hospital, or home (if the person's home can be ascertained and is not too far distant) as the surgeon shall advise.

Every case occurring under this rule, where the surgeon is called, shall be promptly reported by him to the Board of Police, with all the facts relating thereto, and the disposition thereof, which he advised.

RULE 121.

Each member shall at all times have with him a small blank memorandum book, in which he shall enter the names of persons taken in charge by him, and such particulars in each case as may be important on the trial of the case.

RULE 122.

Each and every person arrested for any cause whatever by the members of the force shall be taken at once to the station house of the precinct in which the arrest was made, and the case entered, with full particulars, including the name and address of complainant and witnesses, if there be any, upon the Blotter and afterwards the case shall be disposed of as provided in the rules and regulations of the service.

RULE 123.

All persons who shall disturb, break up, or in any manner displace or injure any part of the pavement of any street or sidewalk of the City of St. Paul, without permit, assent, instructions or authority so to do, from the superintendent of streets or board of public works, is guilty of a misdemeanor and liable to arrest therefor. It is the duty of the members of the Police Force who shall be cognizant of any such illegal act to arrest or cause to be arrested, the offending person or persons and charge them with the offense, in pursuance of the orders, rules and regulations of the Police Department.

RULE 124.

If at the time of arrest a pistol of any description shall be found concealed on the person of, or not carried openly by, any one arrested for disorderly conduct or intoxication, the officer making the arrest shall state such fact to the police magistrate before whom the prisoner is brought, and shall make a separate complaint against such prisoner for violation of the ordinance relating to the subject.


RULE 125.

The Police Force of St. Paul consists of and shall rank in the following order:

A Chief of Police.

A Captain.

Such Lieutenants, not exceeding seven, and Sergeants, not exceeding ten, as the Board shall determine.

A Jailer.

A Matron.

A Superintendent of Police Alarm and Signal System.

Such Policemen, Patrolmen, Detectives, Watchmen and other employes as said Board shall determine.

RULE 126.

The Police Force is divided into as many companies as there are Police Stations, and such other companies and squads as the Board of Police may order.

In case of fire or disturbance in any precinct, the Captain, Lieutenant or Sergeant, if there be no higher grade of officer present of such precinct, shall have command of the force detailed thereto; if the fire or disturbance extends to more than one precinct, the ranking officer present shall command.

On occasions when bodies of the force are to act in concert, the Captain, Lieutenants, Sergeants and Patrolmen will obey the order of such officers as the Chief or officer in command may have selected as his aids for the time being.

RULE 127.

It is obligatory upon the Captain, Lieutenants, Sergeants and Patrolmen of the Police Force to report all violations of the rules and regulations by members of the force under their command, and immediately prefer charges of such violations to the Board of Police and the Chief of Police; and failure so to do will be treated as neglect of duty.

RULE 128.

When there are two or more Sergeants on a platoon, the Captain will divide the precinct or district equally between them and assign one to each section for two tours of duty, viz.: the first and last. The Captain will then change the Sergeants to the opposite section, and under no circumstances will a Sergeant perform more than two tours of duty consecutively on the same section.

The Captain and Lieutenants will enter, or cause to be entered on the Blotter, immediately under each roll call, the part of the precinct or district in which each Sergeant is assigned to patrol; for instance Sergeant A, B or C to patrol that part of precinct east, west, north or south of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . street.

The Chief of Police when examining the Blotter, will note all violations or omissions of this order, and report the same to the Board.

RULE 129.

In case of the death of any member of the force, the Captain or officer in command of the precinct to which he belonged shall immediately report his death in writing to the Chief of Police, and transmit to the Secretary the manual, star and other police property of the deceased member.

RULE 130.

The prevention of crime being the most important object in view the Patrolman's exertions must be constantly used to accomplish that end.. He must examine and make himself perfectly acquainted by sight with every person living on his post, vigilantly watch every description of. person passing over his post, and to the utmost of his power prevent the commission of assaults, breaches of the peace and all other crimes about to be committed.

RULE 131.

Patrolmen shall frequently during the tour of patrol duty carefully examine, in the night time, all doors and low windows of dwelling houses, stores and other buildings requiring or needing examinations to see that they are properly secured; also areas and area gates of the several houses or other buildings on his post.

RULE 132.

Each Patrolman must, by his vigilance, render it extremely difficult, if not impossible, for any one to commit crime on his post—(the absence of crime will be considered the best proof of the efficiency of the Police)—and when, in any precinct or post, offenses frequently occur, there will be good reason to suppose that there is negligence or want of ability on the part of the person in charge of said precinct or post. He must acquire such a knowledge of the inhabitants within his post as to enable him at once to recognize them; and he must carefully inspect every part of his post. The regularity of inspection, above enjoined, shall not prevent his remaining at any particular place, if his presence be required; but he will satisfy his superior officer that there was sufficient cause for the apparent neglect of patrolling his entire post, and, at all times, be enabled to furnish particular information respecting the state of his post.

RULE 133.

Patrolmen must, if possible, fix in their mind such impressions as will enable them to recognize persons whom they frequently meet in the streets at night, and endeavor to ascertain their names, occupations and residences, and communicate to their commanding officer every circumstance of suspicious nature and all information regarding them.

RULE 134.

Patrolmen must strictly watch the conduct of all persons of suspected or of known bad character, in such manner that it will be evident to said persons that they are watched, and certain detection must follow the attempt to commit crime. Note the time of the appearance of any person of known bad character on their post, the circumstances relating thereto, the premises that said person may enter or leave, and report the same to their commanding officer.

RULE 135.

When any person charges another with the commission of a crime and insists that the person charged shall be taken into custody, the Policeman shall require the accuser, if unknown to him, to accompany him as a witness along with the accused, to a police court or station house, as the case may be. He shall then, with as little delay as possible, return to his post and inspect the same with great care, to see that no depredations have been committed during his absence.

RULE 136.

Patrolmen must, during the night, take particular notice of all hacks, cabs, or other vehicles, which under any circumstances or in any manner whatsoever excite suspicion.

RULE 137.

Patrolmen must not walk together, or talk with each other when they meet on the confines of their posts, unless to communicate information appertaining to their police duties; and in such case they must make the communication as brief as possible nor must they sit down.

Policemen must not walk or talk with citizens while on patrol duty, except on police business; then he will stand and hear what the business is; if it require his immediate attention, attend to it; if not, he will direct the person or persons seeking the information to the station house.

RULE 138.

Patrolmen while on police duty must not enter any house or leave their post until regularly relieved, except in discharge of police duty. And if required by any person or under any circumstances to leave their post in the discharge of police duty they will report the same to the first Roundsman or Sergeant whom they may meet there after, giving the time and circumstances of such call, and the time to return to post; they will also make such report in writing at the end of the tour of duty to the officer on desk duty at the station house, said report to be entered upon the Blotter.

RULE 139.

Patrolmen detailed for special duty, unless otherwise individually ordered, will report themselves to the Captain or Sergeant in command of their respective precincts or squads each and every day, so that the Captain may return their names to the Chief of Police.

RULE 140.

Any Patrolman or Jailer absent from duty, without leave, shall forfeit all pay for the time of such absence, and be fined, reprimanded, or dismissed from the force at the discretion of the Board of Police except in case of sickness, when properly certified by a Police Surgeon.

RULE 141.

All persons connected with the Police Department are required to reside in St. Paul. Failure to comply with this rule will be deemed sufficient cause for dismissal.

RULE 142.

Members of the force are not permitted to solicit or sign petitions for appointments on the force or otherwise to engage in efforts, or to use any influence to aid persons in obtaining such appointment.

RULE 143.

While retaining the right to vote as he pleases and to express privately his opinion on political subjects, no member of the Police Force shall take an active part in political management or in any political campaign.

On the day of any election under the Charter of the City or the laws of the State, every member of the force, whether specially assigned to attend the polls or not, shall do all in his power to preserve the peace, protect the integrity of the ballot box and the rights of those lawfully entitled to vote, and to prevent illegal and fraudulent voting, but no member shall otherwise interfere with or ever at any time use his influence or his authority as a police officer for the purpose of interfering with any election or affecting the result thereof.

He shall never distribute candidates' cards or political literature of any kind, solicit votes for any candidate or in any other way take part in or interfere with any campaign or election except as hereinbefore provided.

RULE 144.

Every member of the force, at all times when entering upon duty, must be neat in person; his clothes and boots clean and his dress in conformity with the rules and regulations. At all other times he shall be dressed in like manner, unless on account of the weather or other sufficient cause arising out of the immediate discharge of duty, his dress becomes soiled or deranged, in which case it shall be put in proper order as soon as circumstances will permit.

RULE 145.

Each member of the force will be deemed to be always on duty, subject to such relief therefrom as shall be allowed by proper authority; and the same responsibility as to the suppression of disturbances and the arrest of offenders, rests upon them when not in uniform as when in uniform on post duty.

RULE 146.

Officers in command shall report, as often as occasion may require such acts and deeds on the part of any member in their forces as shall exhibit extraordinary efficiency in the discharge of their duties.

Such reports to be placed on the records of the department.

The Secretary, in preparing the records of any member of the force, shall mention thereon any acts or reports that have been submitted in compliance with the foregoing, as well as the number, nature and disposition of complaints previously preferred against such member.

RULE 147.

Members of the force are required to report their places of residence to their respective Captain, with such particularity as to enable the residence to be easily found; and also report any change of residence, within twenty-four hours after such change shall occur.

RULE 148.

Whenever any person shall come into the charge of the Police by reason of illness or injury, and shall require aid or assistance, and the case is one which should be sent to a hospital, such person shall be sent to the City Hospital, unless the sick or injured person should express a desire to be taken to some other hospital, in which event the injured person shall be sent to the hospital indicated.

RULE 149.

The members of the Police Force are forbidden to play at any game of cards in a station house, or to meet at any other place for the purpose of playing cards. The games allowed at the station house are chess, dominoes and draughts, and then only in the sitting room. The playing of any game of chance for stakes or wagers is positively prohibited. Each and every member of the Police Force is required to report any violation of this rule.

RULE 150.

All letters or communications relative to police business, and which are of such importance as to require the notice and action of the Board of Police, or Chief of Police, in the interests of the public or police service shall be forwarded to the Captain or Lieutenant of the district or precinct, and by him to the Chief of Police, in the ordinary course of daily business.

RULE 151.

The members of the Police Force shall be drilled in such manner and at such hours and places as the Chief of Police may designate, subject to the approval of the Board.

RULE 152.

The penalties for non-attendance at drill when in the opinion of the Board good and sufficient reasons are not rendered for such non-attendance, shall be as the Board shall deem proper.

RULE 153.

The Christian and surname shall be plainly written in full, and the rank affixed in all police records, reports and communications, by members of the force, officers and clerks. Middle names shall be represented by initial letters.

RULE 154.

On occasions of fires, riots, or other emergencies, when the Reserve Force have been on duty, the officer in command, immediately on return to the station house, shall call the roll to ascertain who, if any, have been or are absent.

RULE 155.

Members of the Department, must, on all occasions, be civil and respectful to their officers and to each other.

RULE 156.

Members of the force must not render any assistance in civil cases, except to prevent a breach of the peace, or to quell a disturbance actually commenced.

RULE 157.

Every Officer, Patrolman or Jailer will be furnished with a copy of the Manual, which they will carefully keep in their possession, thoroughly examining and studying the same, in order that they may become perfectly familiar with the rules and regulations of the service and with their respective duties under them.

RULE 158.

The Captains, Lieutenants or Sergeants, while proceeding with a body of Policemen, to perform any duty, or when returning from the performance of duty, shall march their men in military order and in single file.

RULE 159.

Patrolmen will be vigilant to discern, in their respective precincts, all cases of malignant, infectious or epidemic diseases, and report the same promptly to their commanding officer, and shall also promptly report to their commanding officers any violation of the rules of the Health Department of the City of St. Paul that may become known to said Patrolmen while on duty. The commanding officers to whom said reports are made shall at once report said information at the office of the Commissioner of Health of said City.

RULE 160.

The Captain and Lieutenants will instruct the Patrolmen and Officers of their precincts to carefully observe whether street lamps are lighted and burning in the night time. If any are found not burning, which are in condition to burn, they are to be immediately lighted by the Patrolmen. They shall further instruct the Patrolmen to report at the desk at the expiration of each tour of night duty, all lamps (specifying the location of each), in condition to burn, found not burning in the night time, and the hour when the same was lighted by the Patrolman; also, all lamps found not to be in condition to burn, and the cause thereof, and location of each.

The Captain and Lieutenants will make report to the Chief of Police, on Monday of each week, of all lamps not in condition to burn, and the cause thereof; and all in condition to burn found not burning and lighted by the Police, with the location of each, and the date and time (hour) each lamp was lighted, that the Chief may report to the Board of Police.

The Captain will also instruct the Patrolmen and Officers of their precincts to carefully report upon the condition of all public lights maintained in said city, and of all sidewalks and cycle paths which reports shall be handed to the Chief of Police and by him delivered to the Board or Officer of said city in charge of the same.

RULE 161.

Members of the force, in their respective precincts, in cases of any break or leakage of the water pipes in the street or in connection with any house, store or other building or premises, will notify the occupant thereof, as promptly as possible, of the existence of such break or leakage, and that the same must be repaired at once; and report the same to the officer in command, who will report the same to the Chief of Police.

RULE 162.

It shall be the duty of all officers of a precinct while on patrol duty, to disburse all crowds of boys who may be found loitering at the corners or upon the streets or near public places; obstructing the highway, or the entrance to public or private buildings.

RULE 163.

It shall be the duty of the members of the Police Force to make themselves thoroughly acquainted with the localities of all junk shops, and the character of their occupants.

RULE 164.

Whenever any member of the force has become in any manner cognizant of the fact that any person within St. Paul uses, deals in, has on sale, or storage, or in his possession for any purpose any refined petroleum, kerosene, coal or similar oil, or product highly inflammable, explosive or dangerous property, in contravention of law, it shall be the duty of such member at once to report the same to the officer in command at the station house; and the officer in command shall immediately report the same to the Chief of the Fire Department and to the Board of Police.

RULE 165.

Each member of the Police Force shall devote his whole time and attention to the business of the department, and is expressly prohibited from following any other calling, or being employed in any other business. Although the members of the force are, by the rules and regulations of the service, relieved at certain hours from the actual performance of duty on ordinary occasions, yet they are held to be at all times on duty and must be prepared while relieved as aforesaid to act immediately on notice that their services are required.

RULE 166.

Punctual attendance, prompt obedience to orders, conformity to the rules and regulations of the department are required and will be rigidly enforced.

Each member of the force in his conduct and deportment must be quiet, civil and orderly. In the performance of duty he must maintain decorum, attention, command of temper, patience and be discreet. At all times refrain from harsh violent, coarse, profane or insolent language; and when required act with firmness and sufficient energy to perform his duty. Whenever a question is put to them by any person they are not to answer it in a short or abrupt manner, but with the greatest possible attention; at the same time they are to avoid, as much as possible, entering into unnecessary conversation with anyone. They shall in a respectful manner, give their name and number to all persons who may inquire, and not use their baton except in urgent cases.

RULE 167.

No member of the department shall, in the station house or elsewhere, while on duty, drink any kind of intoxicating liquors or, except in the immediate performance of his duty, enter any place in which intoxicating drinks are sold or furnished. No intoxicating drinks shall be introduced upon any pretext into the station house, except when advisable by a physician. Smoking shall not be allowed in the station house, except in apartments designated by the Captain, with the approbation of the Chief of Police.

RULE 168.

No member of the force shall accept from any person, while such person is in his custody or after such person shall have been discharged, or from any of his friends, any gratuity, reward or gift, directly or indirectly; nor receive from any person (without the permission of the Board of Police) compensation for damages sustained in the discharge of his duty.

RULE 169.

Whenever any person is physically injured or any property is injured or destroyed by an accident occurring in or upon any of the streets, alleys, or other public places within the City of St. Paul, it shall be the duty of the police officer in charge of the district or precinct wherein such accident shall have happened, and also of any detective who may be detailed by the proper authority, to investigate such accident and ascertain the name and residence of the person injured or owning the property injured or destroyed as well as the nature of the accident, and the names and residences of all persons having knowledge thereof, and to make forthwith a report of the same to the Chief of Police, who shall forthwith forward such report to the Corporation Attorney of said city.

RULE 170.

Whenever the dead body of an unknown person is found in the water or in or upon any street, alley, park, pier, public or other place in St. Paul, or comes to the notice or observation of any member of the force, such body shall be immediately conveyed by the police to and deposited at the morgue. Notice thereof shall be given without delay, at the coroner's office, and a report of the circumstances of the case made to the Chief of Police.

RULE 171.

No erasures are to be made in any of the books reports or documents connected with the duties of the Police Department. If any error be discovered in such books, reports or documents, it is to be altered and corrected by drawing the pen neatly across the entry and substituting the correction above it.

RULE 172.

The ends of justice are often defeated in cases of homicide, owing to the insufficiency of evidence. It is the duty of members of the force to be particularly careful to note all the declarations of persons who have been the victims of murderous assault. Commanding officers of precincts and squads are charged with the duty of frequently calling attention to this subject and giving instructions to the members of their command as to their specific duty in this connection.